Singin' in the Rain Lyrics by Arthur Freed and Music by Nacio Herb Brown arranged for instrumental quartets and quintets. This song was originally introduced in 1929 on Broadway in The Hollywood Music Revue and featured in the 1952 film of the same name and in other films. This is an easier advanced level arrangement of this classic show tune! |
40 Beloved Christian Hymns Volume I for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet is the first collection of traditionally scored, and frequently used hymns in many Christian worship services. This collection has been completely revised and now includes an optional Organ/Piano/Harpsichord part. The Titles include: A Mighty Fortress is Our God - Abide With Me - All Creatures of Our God and King - All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! - Amazing Grace - At the Cross Mine Eyes Have seen the Glory (Battle Hymn of the Republic) - Be Thou My Vision Blessed Assurance Breathe on Me, Breath of God - Crown Him With Many Crowns - Eternal Father, Strong to Save - Fairest Lord Jesus - Faith of Our Fathers - For the Beauty of the Earth - God of Our Fathers - Holy, Holy, Holy - I Love to Tell the story - In the Garden - It is Well With My Soul (When Peace Like a River) - Jesus Christ is Risen Today - Jesus Loves Me - Jesus Paid It All - Jesus Shall Reign - Jesus, Lover of My Soul - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee - Just a Closer Walk With Thee - Nearer My God to Thee - Onward Christian Soldiers - Praise the Lord! - O Heavens, Adore Him - Rock of Ages - Shall We Gather at the River - Take My Life and Let it Be - The Lords is My Shepard, I'll Not Want - The Old Rugged Cross - To God be the Glory - We Gather Together - Were You There - What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Wonderful Words of Life. |
40 Beloved Christian Hymns Volume II Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet is the second collection of traditionally scored, and frequently used hymns in many Christian worship services. This collection also includes an optional Organ part. The Titles Include: All Glory Laud And Honor - All Things Bright And Beautiful, Alleluia - Sing To Jesus! - And Can It Be? - Angels From The Realm Of Glory - Arise - Your Light Has Come! - As With Gladness Men Of Old, Be Still, My Soul - The Lord Is On Thy Side - Brightest And The Best Stars - Children Of The Heavenly Father, Christ Arose! - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing - Day By Day - For The Life That You Have Given - Good Christians All, Rejoice And Sing - Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer - I Know That My Redeemer Lives! - I Love Your Kingdom Lord - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise - Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross - Just As I Am - Lord Jesus Think On Me - Love Divine All Love’s Excelling, -My Jesus I Love Thee - Now Thank We All Our God - O Jesus, I Have Promised - O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go - O Master Let Me Walk With Thee - O Perfect Love - O, How I Love Jesus - Oh God, Our Help In Ages Past - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology) - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty - Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven - Ride On, Ride On In Majesty! - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us - Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus - Thine Is The Glory - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross. |
Arrival / Entrance of the Queen of Sheba from George Frederick Handel’s Solomon for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet with optional Organ. This is an advanced piece and a great deal of fun to play. |
Come Fly With Me Words & Music by Sammy Cahn & James Van Heusen and arranged here for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet by Kenneth Abeling. This is an intermediate to advanced intermediate level arrangement of a jazz standard. |
Danse Macabre or “Death Dance” by Camille Saint-Saëns transcribed for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet. This is an advanced transcription, true to the composer’s original intent and an audience favorite around Halloween! The playing time approximately 7:00 at brisk tempo. |
“Georgia on My Mind”, Words by Stuart Gorrell & Music by Hoagy Carmichael for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet arr. Ken Abeling. This is an easier advanced to advanced arrangement of Hoagy Carmichael’s tribute to his home state. While there are some challenging sections, the tempo and the way it lays should make it accessible to many ensembles. |
Gershwin Medley, Music by George Gershwin arranged for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet by Kenneth Abeling. This is a collection of four popular songs by George Gershwin to include, "Somebody Loves Me", "Swanee", "The Man I Love" and "Fascinating Rhythm". It is a Moderate to Moderately difficult arrangement and is suitable for general performance. |
Water Music Suite No. I in F Major - 5. Air (HWV 348) by George Friderick Handel transcribed for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet This is Movement is perfectly suited for general performance Religious services or Wedding Ceremonies. |
Water Music Suite No. II in D Major (HWV 349) by George Frideric Handel transcribed for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet. The Movements include: I. Overture (Allegro), II. Hornpipe, III. Minuet, IV. Lentement, V. Bourrée. Along with performance as a complete suite it is perfectly suited for use as individual movements, particularly for segments of Religious services or Wedding Ceremonies. |
Happy Birthday and Stylistic Variations for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet features the main theme in a traditional setting followed by eleven variations entitled: 1. Swing, 2. Waltz, 3. On the Range, 4. Dixieland, 5. Impressionistic, 6. Holloweenesque, 7. Majestic, 8. Jazz Waltz, 9. Bagpipes, 10. Tango and 11. Pointalistic. Suitable as a Novelty or Encore selection this arrangement offers numerous performance options as you can choose which variations to be played to fit any occasion or meet any time restraints. The Playing time is approximately 3:10 without repeats and 6:06 with repeats. The MP3 recording offered here is without repeats. |
In the Mood, Music by Joe Garland arranged for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet. This is an advanced intermediate to advanced arrangement of the most recognizable song performed by The Glenn Miller Orchestra! |
Pineapple Rag, transcribed here for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet by Kenneth Abeling, is one of Scott Joplin's most popular rags. Audiences may recognize this melody from the Academy Award winning movie The Sting. |
La Cumparsita (Tango), music by Gerardo Matos Rodriguez arranged for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet. This is an advanced intermediate to easy advanced arrangement of perhaps the most recognizable Tango ever written. It has made appearances in numerous movies aa well as other accompanying sound tracks. |
Lullaby of Birdland by George Shearing's arranged for Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet. This is an advanced arrangement that features individual solos as well as numerous soli and tutti sections and while challenging, a lot of fun to play. |
Radetzky March, Op. 228 transcribed by Johann Strauss I for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet transcribed by Kenneth Abeling. This is an advanced intermediate to easier advanced level arrangement and very suitable for Oktoberfest performances and variety of other occasions. |
Sing-along Medley #1, arranged for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet is a collection 5 timeless classics to include: “Baby Face”, “Daisy Bell”, “By the light of the Silvery Moon”, “Down by the Old Mill Stream”, “I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover”. This piece is of intermediate level difficulty and is perfect for performances for elderly audiences, as a music history-teaching tool for younger audiences as well as other performance applications. |
Tea for Two, music by Vincent Youmans with lyrics by Irving Caesar arranged for Brass Quintet, Clarinet Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Saxophone Quintet, String Quartet, Woodwind Quartet, and Woodwind Quintet. This cute little number was first featured in the Broadway Musical “No, No, Nanette” and is a show tune standard. This is an advanced intermediate to earlier advanced “Cha Cha-ish” arrangement and is suitable for a variety of audiences. |